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Qian Shi - Granules (100g)G1626

Euryale  (Semen Euryales)  芡實

Item # : G1626

Category : Single Herb Granules

Qian Hu - Granules (100g)G1618

Peucedanum  (Radix Peucedani)  前胡

Item # : G1618

Category : Single Herb Granules

Qi Ye Lian - Granules (100g)G1614

Paris  (Radix Schefflerae)  七葉蓮

Item # : G1614

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pu Tao Zi - Granules (100g)G1610

Grape Seed  (Semen Vitis Viniferae)  葡萄子

Item # : G1610

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pu Huang Tan - Granules (100g)G1608

Bulrush (Black)  (Pollen Typhae Carbonisatum)  蒲黃炭

Item # : G1608

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pu Huang - Granules (100g)G1606

Bulrush  (Pollen Typhae)  蒲黃

Item # : G1606

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pu Gong Ying - Granules (100g)G1604

Dandelion  (Herba Taraxaci)  蒲公英

Item # : G1604

Category : Single Herb Granules

Po Bu Zi Ye - Granules (100g)G1602

Sebastan Plum Cordia  (Folium Cordia Dichotoma)  破布子葉

Item # : G1602

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pi Pa Ye - Granules (100g)G1600

Eriobotrya  (Folium Eriobotryae)  枇杷葉

Item # : G1600

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pao Zai Cao - Granules (100g)G1596

Physalis Angulata  (Herba Physalis Angulatae)  炮仔草

Item # : G1596

Category : Single Herb Granules

Pao Jiang - Granules (100g)G1594

Ginger (Brown)  (Rhizoma Zingiberis Praeparatum)  炮薑

Item # : G1594

Category : Single Herb Granules

Nu Zhen Zi - Granules (100g)G1588

Ligustrum  (Fructus Ligustri Lucidi)  女貞子

Item # : G1588

Category : Single Herb Granules