One of Evergreen’s mission besides producing top quality herbal extracts and educating the west on drug-free alternatives to health is our desire to make a difference in people’s lives. We can't imagine a better way than helping people back to health so they can completely enjoy what life has to offer. This idea has led us to donate our herbs to those in need, and to donate the herbs to research and development.
If you are volunteering in a non-profit expedition to provide healthcare, we would love to help. Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Herb or Cash Donations were provided for the following organizations:
- LA Fires, supplying herbal support to local acupuncturists treating those impacted by the fire.
- Florida Flood, donating herbs to local acupuncturists aiding affected communities.
- Maui Fire, providing herbal donations to local acupuncturists supporting disaster relief efforts.
- LA Free Clinic, where TCM care is offered to low-income families.
- ATBW, a non-profit organization that set up camp in Rapalle, India where acupuncturists volunteered their services and prescribed our herbs to over 100 patients a day for 4 months.
- Global Alternative Health Project and Mindful Medicine Worldwide, to help those in need in developing countries such as Bali, Burma, and Nepal.
- Acupuncture Relief Project, a free community acupuncture clinic that travels to countries that have been impacted by poverty, conflict, or disaster.
- Free Range Health, a non-profit organization in WA State that provides low-cost integrative services to under-served individuals and communities, primarily low-income seniors.
- Raktrul Foundation, a volunteer charity that is dedicated to improving the lives of Tibetan people.
- Project Buena Vista, an outreach program that provides medical services in Peruvian Amazon.
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Arizona Society of Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture
- American College of Veterinary Botanical Medicine
- Oregon Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
- Ohio Acupuncture Association
- Cambodian Children’s Fund
- Global Health Mission Medical Service in Nepal and Tibet
- The Aliveness Project, a community center for and driven by people living with HIV that offers nutrition and wellness services, and resources for its members to lead fulfilling & healthy lives.
On the research frontier, we provided herbs for the following organizations:
- Modified Qing Fei Pai Du Tang study in the MACH-19 clinical trial, published in JAMA
- Type 1 Diabetes study with the University of South Florida (USF), funded by NCCIH
- A chronic pain study by the Los Angeles Free Clinic and Emperor’s College
- Immune research project through Bastyr University
- Cancer research at UCLA
- Endometriosis study at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine
- Menopause study by Women’s University of Bern, Switzerland
- Research on the use of herbs for detoxification with South Baylo University
- Anti-cancer properties of herbs with University of Pittsburgh
These are just some of the many events that edge our profession slowly towards becoming mainstream medicine. When our family committed to becoming practitioners of this medicine, our talents, training, and tenacity led us to start the herb company. Promoting communication and education through research, teaching, and supporting the efforts of others came naturally; and giving what we can, where we can, makes sense in our lives and efforts. We have made a life-long commitment to help the profession grow. We hope our passion for the medicine serves not just as fuel for our involvements, but also as a catalyst for other companies to follow.