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Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Vol. 3: Nephrology Urology & Andrology

(Discontinued) Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Vol. 3: Nephrology Urology & Andrology

James H Maher

Item #: M5087RqtNC{hJQ(49
Category: Books
Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Vol. 3: Nephrology Urology & Andrology
Sales price $98.00

Description of Book

The first section of Volume 3 in the Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture Series – Nephrology and Urology – is concerned with the application of Master Tung’s Acupuncture to specific disorders of the upper and lower urinary tract in BOTH sexes. The text includes disorders involving not only the actual anatomical substrates but also the broader TCM organ/channel functions of the Kidney and Bladder. Disorders in this section include: nephrolithiasis, albuminuria, urethritis, cystitis, polyuria, edema, glomerulonephritis, nephritis, hematuria, nephrosis, frequent micturition, overactive bladder, diabetes insipidus, strangury, anuria, etc.

Section 2 of this volume – ‘Andrology’ – is directed toward disorders unique to the male such as: hernia, balanitis, phallalgia, cryptorchidism, orchitis, impotence, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, spermatorrhea, etc.

This 3rd volume contains more than 350 pages with over 275 prescriptions culled from the Chinese Tung Acupuncture literature and, as in Vol. 2, more than 15 Chinese language sources were referenced. From these sources, the pertinent Nephrology, Urology, and Andrology data were compiled, collated, translated, and accompanying diagrams applied in order to facilitate their application. Included are author-specific point locations, needling instructions, contraindications and, when available, clinical comments, herbal suggestions, lifestyle modifications, etc. all derived from the author(s) own personal clinical experiences with Master Tung’s Acupuncture. As with previous volumes, the text is entitled ‘Advanced Tung Style Acupuncture’ because it, like its predecessors, implies that the user has already had a course in Master Tung’s Acupuncture. 365 pages

Note: To purchase this book, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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